Saturday, July 27, 2019

Two Years Later...

'Ummi When are you updating your blog?'

I looked up from my large bowl of homemade Ramen Noodles and for a second I was blank.

'I have a blog?' I thought out loud. 'Of course, my blog! I get super busy and totally forget to update.'

'Well, I enjoyed it when you used to post regularly. Nobody blogs anymore.'

'Well, yeah. Okay. I'll tell you what: For every month I forget to put up a post, you'll get a 5% discount off an Ummi's Gourmet Food Lunch, how does that sound?'


I watched her celebrate her lunch coupon as my mind wanders to the real issue on ground: Set up a new piggy bank to fund lapses in blogging consistency. I'm one step ahead of her!