Hope You've been well.
So I've just survived the busiest two months since I unofficially launched Ummi's Gourmet Food in May 2016.
To be honest, when I first started I wasn't quite sure what direction I was heading towards.
I was just going with the flow, giving people what they want and that left me tired and exhausted with not much to show for profit.
Entrepreneurship is hard yo! Don't let anyone tell you "it's great being self employed" because if you're like me and personal discipline is quite, em, flexible then its a struggle!
I'm passionate about food, but I'm not a businesswoman.
I'm a scientist that nearly flunked the two MBA units I had to take to graduate Pharmacy school.
(I got 60% o! before you think I'm an olodo. But I struggled to get this mark)
Over the last 8 months I have used trial and error to mould my business a little more and even though I'm not yet where I want to be, I'm a lot closer now than I was even 5 months ago.
The month of December has been super exhausting!
I have been swamped with orders, had a food stand at two different events, catered to three bridal showers, served scores of office lunches and a LOT more!
I guess 2016 is ending with a BANG for me. I can't wait for 2017, I have so many ideas to put into place.
I plan to
Finally hire a full time kitchen assistant
(Yes, I've been doing it by myself this whole time with very little help)
start daily lunches for offices
Start cooking classes
Stock my marinades in shops.
Anyways, onto yummier things: I tend to love putting platters together for parties. Here's a sample menu I made for a bridal shower of 20 people.
They got 5 platters of bite sized goodies.
Ummi's Biscuit crunch brownies
These chewy, chocolatey brownies go amazingly well with ice cream! and maybe crumbled pecans, Oh my!
Just in case you missed the details

I still remember my reaction when I tasted churros for the first time in 2006!
I blogged about it in my old blog back then.
These fried Mexican/Spanish donuts cannot be described correctly.
Crunchy shell on the outside, soft and gooey on the inside and dusted with cinnamon sugar!
Choux make me happy!
Mini Burgers!
Beef patties sandwiched with fresh veg and Ummi's signature smoky mayo!
I didn't like the look of this burger cos my regular burger bun supplier had run out of fresh buns! I had to use soft bread rolls, sigh.
Didn't take away from the taste though!
The secret to a good home made burger is to minimise the seasoning in the patty itself.
Keep the patty light on seasoning and make a kick ass sauce to compensate for taste!
The contrast in flavour will tickle your taste buds and keep your foodies guessing!
Burger off! No beef for you here.
Chicken Kebab skewers with Ummi's Gourmet Food signature marinade (Naija Spice Marinade)
Enough Said.
Corn Dogs!
Puffy skewers of a smooth lightly spiced bun filled with chicken franks.
It's like a hotdog. But less messy.
Remember that brownie? Of course you do. You can order it when you're ready from Ummi's gourmet food @UmmisGourmetFood on Instagram.
We are currently closed for the year as I get some much needed rest and maybe go visit the family in KN and DR.
Have a great week ahead! I hope the holiday season is nice and stress free for everyone!
P.S. In case you try reaching me on insta, all my personal devices decided to get spoilt last week! My phone is not responding to treatment while my iPad is half paralysed but is recuperating somewhere in GSM village.
My only access to the inter web is my desktop and I feel like I'm living in 2003!
Hopefully I get my devices back soon but if you need to reach me urgently just call or SMS the number on the logo and I'll get back as soon as possible.
Take Care
Lot's of Yummy Love,
x o x o